Raluca Serban


„Mathematics of colorful cloth at Raluca Serban

The colors are in us and around us. And there are people who speak in color, express their opinions and feelings by playing with these colors from everybody’s surroundings. These people must be happy, those who are meant to be able to shape vibration in visual forms that resonate immediately, directly and amply.

Although recently, Raluca Serban’s quests are in this breath, in the high dedication to the art of painting, whose craft she began to discover. Raluca Serban, technically, unfolds techniques and spinning centuries of colorful experience and brings them to her palette. She, of course, astonishes the maturity with which she dedicates herself to the complicated path of plastic creation, the decision with which the story goes to the end.”

Marius Tita – art critic


Art Exhibition ”Accente cromatice”, LABYRINTH Gallery (2015-2016)

National Salon of Plastic Art „Contemporary attitudes”, 8th edition, 2015 Retrospective.

The exhibition „Medieval Castles, Fortified Churches in Transylvania and the Romanian Village”, LABYRINTH Gallery

Exhibition „Portativ Cromatic” Labyrinth Gallery

Exhibition „Chromatic Harmony on Sanziene”

The exhibition „Vesnicia s-a nascut la sat”, the National Village Museum „Dimitrie Gusti

and so on..


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