„I`m a visual artist living in Bucharest, Roumania. I`m 31 years old and I`m drawing and painting since I was a little girl. My education was based on Art Schools, Art High School and on the University of Art. I never focused myself in any other direction.
I absolutely love colours and I like being surrounded by beautiful things. I have a studio in my apartment and sometimes I enjoy locking my self in there to be alone with my thoughts and my inspirations. Every artists needs time for himself.
I think art shouldn’t be missing our home. I believe in the strong relationship between art and interior design. I have a real passion for interior design. I`ve studied it and I think it is fascinating how somebody`s home can express that person. A work of art shouldn’t be placed randomly within a house.
Art should be part of that interior design and should be vibrating with it. You should consider very carefully the style, the colour, the dimensions and even the subject. It has to fit in there, in perfect harmony. I enjoy the part when I establish these aspects with the designer and future owner.
If I don`t have a commission, I let my mind fly free. I`m inspired mostly by my own experiences, my life and people dear to me. I often choose colourful, expressive and happy subjects like fruits, animals, birds, food, vintage objects, design objects.
What I love most is painting portraits, analysing them, feeling that person`s warmth through my brush. The process of painting is full of overwhelming feelings. It`s an intimate relation with the subject.
Every painting makes me feel in a different way. Every time I experience strong and „colourful” feelings.
I dream that more and more people will see the real value that a work of art brings to their homes. There are to many pixels nowadays and to little real human brush strokes. The digital aspect of this era is very important, but we should not forget what makes us humans – the real feelings transmitted through human touch, things made directly by human hand.”