Daniel Zlota is a painter, architect, entrepreneur, traveler, dreamer. He is part of the artists working with Studio inSIGN and Noblesse Interiors.
With a successful career in architecture and interior design, he is now entirely devoted to his first passion, painting.
Daniel Zlota excellently combines mixed techniques such as acrylic paint, watercolor, pencil, charcoal, pastel and collage. His works are impressive through the way he uses colors, expressing optimism, authenticity and desire to enjoy life.
Daniel Zlota is a painter who finds inspiration in his travels, family life and music. He likes to experiment and innovate with projects such as photopainting a combination between painting and photography which offers new meanings to the latter.
His works are in personal collections all around the world US, Mexico, England, Italy, Spain, France, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic and Romania His desire is to exhibit in as many places around the world as possible so that his art can be seen, heard and lived.
Personal Exhibition
„Voyages” Nevez , France
Llocs ” Departure Gallery Barcelona, Spain
Colores de Mexico” French Institute Bucharest, Romania
„Conversion” National Theatre Bucharest, Romania
Llocs / Places“ Barcelona, Spain
„Fusion” Romanian Peasant Museum Bucharest, Romania
“Introspective” Bucharest, Romania
Colores ” Playa del Carmen, Mexico
“Artistic Touch” ICR Bucharest, Romania
„Fusion Israel 70” CCIRI Bucharest, Romania
„Around The World” Milu Gallery Bucharest, Romania
“Romanian Treasures” Bucharest, Romania
„Pop Art Cover Show” Bucharest, Romania
“Conversion” Qreator Gallery Bucharest, Romania
„1st International Watercolor Festival” Myanmar, Burma
Libre Arte” Sky Art Gallery Barcelona, Spain
Acuarelistas Rumanos “ Madrid, Spain
“Romania in watercolor” National Theatre Bucharest,
“Urban Sketchers” Sigma Gallery Bucharest, Romania
“Romania Turns 100” CEC Palace Bucharest, Romania
„Theater under the Moon” Bucharest, Romania
„Art Walk Street Festival” Bucharest, Romania
„Masquerade Style Art Exhibit” Continental Hotel
Bucharest, Romania
„1st International Watercolor Festival” Myanmar, Burma
Libre Arte” Sky Art Gallery Barcelona, Spain
Acuarelistas Rumanos “ Madrid, Spain
“Romania in watercolor” National Theatre Bucharest,
“Urban Sketchers” Sigma Gallery Bucharest, Romania
“Romania Turns 100” CEC Palace Bucharest, Romania
„Theater under the Moon” Bucharest, Romania
„Art Walk Street Festival” Bucharest, Romania
„Masquerade Style Art Exhibit” Continental Hotel
Bucharest, Romania
Charity Event “From Heart for the Future“, Marriott
Bucharest, Romania
Charity Event “From Heart for the Future“, Marriott
Bucharest, Romania