I enrolled in my first sculpture course when I was only 12 years old. I followed other sculpture and painting courses. After finishing high school, I attended the Polytechnic Institute […]
Ioana explorează diverse forme de expresie în arta sa, inclusiv pictura, grafica, tehnicile textile, cusutul, sculptura, mozaicul, arta digitală și performance-ul. A participat la mai multe proiecte artistice în România […]
Născut la Galați, România, Sorin Teodorescu are un parcurs artistic de peste două decenii. În acest interval de timp, s-a aventurat în domeniile multifațetate ale picturii suprarealiste, sculpturii, decorului și […]
Cristina Georgescu este artist plastic restaurator, absolventă UNARTE -Facultatea Istoria şi Teoria Artei, Secția Conservarea şi Restaurarea Operei de Artă. Ea lucrează ca restaurator pe materiale ceramică şi alte componente […]
Realități subiective Prin utilizarea teoriei deconstrucției, analizei discursului artistic/ estetic în cadrele unei contextualizări/interpretări formale a artei, se urmărește prin serii diferite de expoziții să se pună în discuție relația […]
Alex Manea este un artist vizual român care trăiește în București. Lucrează și experimentează în pictură, desen, instalații, obiecte găsite, fotografie, artă video, sonora si digitala. Se concentrează în practica […]
Preocupările mele din ultima perioadă, au fost canalizate spre analizarea unor compoziții modulate ce conțin fragmente şi alte elemente compoziționale în ceramică, metal şi ceară, având ca temă continuitatea, creativitatea […]
Atelierul meu de pictură este o continuare firească a preocupărilor artistice din ultimii 27 de ani petrecuți în lumea culorilor, a modei, design-ului și graficii. Sunt dependentă de forme fie […]
Interesul pentru sculptură l-am avut de la o vârstă fragedă, sub forma unei curiozități lăuntrice față de ceea ce mă înconjoară. Mereu m-am întrebat cum sunt create obiectele pe care […]
Incandescenţă, lumină, scântei, flăcări, materie arsă, cenuşă, dihotomiile distrugere-creaţie, lumină-întuneric, material-imaterial, reprezintă componentele adunate în creuzetul proiectului meu “Focul-Metamorfoze”, din care fac parte si cele doua lucrari expuse in Palatul […]
Pictez inspirat de maniera și de repertoriul Pop Art și de hiperrealism. Universul motivistic dominat de artificial afirmă seducția omului contemporan în fața obiectului de consum. Relația om – obiect, […]
Sofia Ovejan transformă și transpune teme clasice precum peisajul sau natura statică în complicate compoziții în care gracilitatea grafismelor se alătură zonelor pronunțat decorative, toate acestea fiind deseori intersectate de […]
În plină învățare și dezvoltare creativă, îmbină tehnici și se joacă cu efecte vizuale, astfel ca fiecare tablou este un experiment. Artista încearcă să își impună propria amprenta artistică în […]
Septimiu Căpățînă este artist român, absolvent al Academiei de Artă București-Facultatea de Arte Decorative și Design- Secția Artă Murală(1992) – Decan Ion Bitzan, membru al Uniunii Artiștilor Plastici din România […]
Ingrid Gheorghiulescu
I work with the minimalist geometry of the circle and all that its symbolism implies: the return to the origins, to the beginnings, to the cell, to the egg. I […]
Dragos Neagoe
We are aesthetically impressed how nature through its mechanical, physical, or chemical processes transforms / re-models the volume and assimilates it in its universe. For me, the form completes / […]
Claudiu Victor Gheorghiu
I have always appreciated true masters, a feeling instilled by PAUL GHERASIM (1925-2016), founder of the Prolog group, a prominent member of the Union of Fine Artists of Romania, a […]
Dorina Cioplea – Văduva
Art is my way of understanding the world. It is my own filter, with different keys to understanding, through which I pass everything I feel, see, hear, live, believe or […]
Teodora Vasilescu
Currently visual artist and jeweller. The specific elements of her own style regardless of technique are the finesse of detail, accuracy of transposition and sensitivity. These facilitate the artist-worker connection. […]
Iosif Varga
” Excellent draftsman, painter of great temperament, tumultuous, but perfect master of his skills, Iosif Varga is not subordinated to formulas or trends. If he takes common paths with other […]
Kingsley Nwabia
Kingsley Nwabia is a self-taught Artist, Author, Illustrator, Educationist and Fashion Entrepreneur. Born and raised in Lagos Nigeria, he is currently based in Bucharest, Romania. As a painter, working primarily […]
Mihaela Barbu
Mihaela Barbu is a professional visual artist, with a Master degree of the National University of Arts in Bucharest, Painting department. She participated at groups art exhibitions organized by ICR […]
Rîmbu Diana Roxana
The story of my life has been written long ago, by the first strokes of color, I once did when I was just a child. It is said that if […]
Anastasiu Oana
First of all, i don`t consider myself an artist, first I am a creative human in love with art. I like to think of myself as being a creator, because […]
LUMINIȚA GLIGA (b. 1975, Brasov, Romania). Since 2003 – member of the U.A.P. Romania; member of A.I.A.P.- UNESCO; graduate of the National University of Arts Bucharest, Faculty of Fine Arts, […]
I am a self-taught artist who lives and works in Bucharest, Romania. I started painting in 2012 as a hobby and at the beginning of 2020 I have decided to […]
Irina Milli
Vlad Basarab
Vlad Basarab is a visual artist working with diverse mediums, concentrating on ceramics, installation, video and performance. He perceives clay as the material that embodies the most dynamic qualities of […]
Vasii Marian
I’m just an 31 years old- visual artist, scenographer with an amazing- over a decade career in Romanian theatre. I can’t consider myself a painter nor a graphician. During the […]
Valentin Duicu
I graduated in Bucharest, at National University of Arts, sculpture section, 2007 promotion, following a master’s degree, also in sculpture, completed in 2009. My creations come from the figurative area, […]
Tunde Kicsi
I like to present myself a little differently: „holistic coach” or „spiritual coach”. That’s because besides the (traditional) counseling part, more practical and alternative therapies such as Theta Healing and […]
Traian Duta
Artistic activity: 1985: The special prise of Arges magazine 1990-1986 President of the visual artists from Curtea de Arges 1986 Profesional camp-Poland 1987 Group Exhibition- Hanul cu tei- Bucharest 1990-1994 […]
Tiberius Ciucinciu
Tiberius started drawing at 15, from architecture high school went straight to the University of Arts. After that began a career in advertising, first as a graphic designer, then as […]
Sorin Voicila
Nicknamed by the author Silvia Cinca, „the day engineer, the night painter”, his paintings express equally the repression of the engineer concerned with accuracy, measured with the square and the […]
Soneriu Laura
It all began 29 years ago when, as a child before I even started going to school, my parents had framed 3 drawings -cityscapes- done by my older sister and […]
Rosu Aprins
Rosu Aprins’ or R.A. is a concept that started as a way of creating a new world, through the personification of the various stages mankind goes through. The pseudonym ‘Rosu […]
Razvan Raucescu
Curently i am stundent of the National University of Arts, stundying Mural Art. I am the type of person who likes challenges and i’m trying to accumulate more experience in […]
Raluca Serban
„Mathematics of colorful cloth at Raluca Serban The colors are in us and around us. And there are people who speak in color, express their opinions and feelings by playing […]
Popa Emanuela
„What is art for me? I think art is love in the sense of giving, of sharing with the world our souls as artists by creating something which will arouse […]
Paul Suciu
Born and raised in Bucharest, I began doing artistic photography about 4 years. I won an important prize in 2018, “Romanian Photographer of the Year – Street Section”, being judged by an international jury of […]
Oana Unciuleanu
Oana Unciuleanu is a Romanian painter. She is part of the Fusion Arts Art Agency portfolio in collaboration with Studio inSIGN and Noblesse Interiors. „I am an artist interested in describing human emotions […]
We have all admired at least once in our lives the hypnotic play of lights in a stained glass window bathed in sunlight. And yet the beauty that stunned us […]
Neculai Daniel Valeriu
Daniel Valeriu Neculai, a complex artist, graduate of the University of Arts, Bucharest, with a License and Master Degree at the Faculty of Decorative Arts and Design, Mural Art section […]
Nadine Ksebi
” Always captured my attention the human subconscious with the different ways to express it. They say that each person has something that makes him different from the other, but […]
Misha Diaconu
One of the most promising Romanian metal sculptors, Misha Diaconu (born on March 17, 1981, in Galați) is most often associated with several sculptures located in unconventional spaces in Bucharest, […]
Mircea Corcodel
„… The architect, because that is what I have to call Mircea CORCODEL, although he is in a moment of physical and creative maturity, does not cease to amaze us […]
Mihai Poiana
Exhibitions: Pure Energy- Exhibition (In production) Personal Space (iPhone Diary)-Exhibition (In production) Destruction of Monuments of Eastern Christianity (Hardcover Photo Album) by Interparliamentary Assembly on Orthodoxy-Greece Swans Lake (Ballet Rehearsal)- […]
Medeea Namolosanu
„I believe art has the role of managing the relationship between the inner and the outer world, while the aim of the artist is not to explain their experience but […]
Martyna Benedyka
Martyna Benedyka is a vocalist and visual artist working in several different media including painting, photography, collage, video and sound art. She studied Art and Design in Scotland, UK and […]
Marilena Iepan
I paint especially in watercolor, an environment that offers me total freedom to express my feelings and emotions. I consider painting as a form of meditation, a means of exploring […]
Maria Cioata
Maria Cioată was born in 1969 in Pitesti, Romania in a visual artists family. Her father, the painter Lucian Cioată, had an important role in her formation. She graduated The […]
Loredana Tataru
„Today, 28 y, I’m a mother, a sister, a wife, a make-up artist, a former store manager at MAC Cosmetics and a painter. These are all roles that I took […]
Liviu Acasandrei
A special character, with many awards in his record, with numerous personal and collective exhibitions, is Liviu Acasandrei. Compared to the painters presented in recent times, who were having chromatic […]
Liliana Stoica
Liliana Stoica is the person who relaunched the art of mosaic, reinterpreting it in a new and unique concept through wood and vivid colors. „We are made of color, lines, […]
Lazar Andrei
„I have been studying art in an institutional framework never, everything I know I learned alone. I have higher education in another field. I have drawn since I know, but […]
Lavinia Falcan
„Color is queen for me, I love to paint portraits of women which defy the male gaze with stylistic invetion. Born in Bucharest, Romania, I studied painting at the National […]
Laura Nicoleta Stoian
Being still at the beginning of the road, my works are looking for one different perspective, own on the natural world. My paintings illustrate natural elements that are abstracted and […]
Karmen Golumbeanu
Graduate of the University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine in Bucharest – Department of Landscaping, Biodiversity and Ornamental Horticulture, Specialization Landscape Horticultural Engineer Graduate of the National University of […]
Iulian Moldovan
„To me, art represents the truest, most profound form of human expression. it’s a means of escaping mundane into an ideal world, carrying me into something close to an ecstatic […]
Iulia Dinca
„I`m a visual artist living in Bucharest, Roumania. I`m 31 years old and I`m drawing and painting since I was a little girl. My education was based on Art Schools, Art […]